Basic Content |
General Resources |
#1 European Exploration
- PowerPoint: European Exploration
- Guided Notes: European Exploration
- Crash Course US History: The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards
- Khan Academy videos: Native American Societies Before Contact, Origins of European Exploration in the Americas, Christopher Columbus, Consequences of Columbus's Voyage on the Tainos and Europe, The Columbian Exchange, Spanish Colonization
- US History.org online textbook passages: Native American Society on the Eve of British Colonization, Diversity of Native American Groups, The Anasazi, The Algonkian Tribes, The Iroquois Tribes
#2 New France, Virginia, and Maryland
- PowerPoint: New France, Virginia, and Maryland
- Guided Notes: New France, Virginia, and Maryland
- Crash Course US History: When Is Thanksgiving? Colonizing America
- Crash Course US History: The Natives and the English
- Khan Academy videos: French and Dutch Colonization, England in the Age of Exploration, Motivations for English Colonization, The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Background and First Attempts, The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Settlement and Disappearance, Early English Settlements - Jamestown, Jamestown - John Smith and Pocahontas, Jamestown - The Impact of Tobacco, Jamestown - Life and Labor in the Chesapeake, Jamestown - Bacon's Rebellion
- US History.org online textbook passages: Britain in the New World, Early Venture Fail, Joint-Stock Companies, Jamestown Settlement and the "Starving Time", The Growth of the Tobacco Trade, War and Peace with Powhatan's People, The House of Burgesses, Maryland - The Catholic Experiment, New France
#3 Settlement of New England
#4 Settlement of the Middle and Southern Colonies
#5 Life in the Southern Colonies
#6 Life In New England and the Middle Colonies
#7 First Conflicts Over Mercantilism
#8 American Diversity, The Enlightenment, & The First Great Awakening
- PowerPoint: American Diversity, The Enlightenment, & The First Great Awakening
- Guided Notes: American Diversity, The Enlightenment, & The First Great Awakening
- Crash Course US History: The Seven Years War and The Great Awakening
- US History.org online textbook passages: The Growth of Slavery, Slave Life on the Farm and in the Town, Free African Americans in the Colonial Era, "Slave Codes", A New African-American Culture, The Beginnings of Revolutionary Thinking, The Impact of Enlightenment in Europe, The Ideas of Benjamin Franklin, The Great Awakening, "What Is the American?"
#9 The French & Indian War
#10 Americans Become Defiant
#11 A Revolution Begins
#12 The Early Days of the American Revolution |
#13 The Revolutionary War |
#14 A New Nation Emerges
- PowerPoint: A New Nation Emerges
- Guided Notes: A New Nation Emerges
- Crash Course US History: Who Won the American Revolution?
- Crash Course US History: The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism
- US History.org online textbook passages: Societal Impacts of the American Revolution, The Impact of Slavery, Revolutionary Changes and Limitations: Slavery, A Revolution in Social Law, Political Experience, "Republican Motherhood", Revolutionary Changes and Limitations: Women, When Does the Revolution End?, Revolutionary Limits: Native Americans, Revolutionary Achievement: Yeomen and Artisans, The Age of Atlantic Revolutions
#15 The Articles of Confederation |
#16 The Constitutional Convention |
#17 Ratification of the Constitution |
#18 The Bill of Rights |
#19 Washington's Presidency- Domestic Issues

- PowerPoint: Washington's Presidency - Domestic Issues
- Guided Notes: Washington's Presidency - Domestic Issues
- Crash Course US History: The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism
- Crash Course US History: Where US Politics Came From
- US History.org online textbook passages: George Washington, Growing Up in Colonial Virginia, The Force of Personality and Military Command, The First Administration, Mount Vernon and the Dilemma of a Revolutionary Slave Holder, Unsettled Domestic Issues, Hamilton's Financial Plan, Growing Opposition, The Whiskey Rebellion
#20 Washington's Presidency - Foreign Affairs |
#21 John Adams's Presidency

#22 Jefferson's Presidency - The Election of 1800

#23 Jefferson's Presidency - The Louisiana Purchase
#24 Jefferson's Presidency - Foreign Affairs
#25 Madison's Presidency & The War of 1812

#26 Monroe's Presidency: The Era of Good Feelings

#27 The Election of 1824 & John Quincy Adams's Presidency

#28 Jackson's Presidency - Rising Tensions

- PowerPoint: Jackson's Presidency - Rising Tensions
- Guided Notes: Jackson's Presidency - Rising Tensions
- Crash Course US History: The Age of Jackson
- Crash Course US History: Slavery
- Khan Academy videos: Jacksonian Democracy - Part III, Jacksonian Democracy Part IV
- US History.org online textbook passages: The Expansion of the Vote: A White Man's Democracy, Jacksonian Democracy and Modern America, The Age of Jackson, The Rise of the Common Man, A Strong Presidency, The South Carolina Nullification Controversy, The War Against the Bank, Jackson vs. Clay and Calhoun, The Trail of Tears - The Indian Removals, Rebellions on and off the Plantation
#29 Antebellum Industrialization |
#30 Early 19th Century American Religion: A Second Great Awakening
#31 Early 19th Century Social Reform Movements |
- PowerPoint: Early 19th Century Social Reform Movements
- Guided Notes: Early 19th Century Social Reform Movements
- Crash Course US History: 19th Century Reforms
- Crash Course US History: Women in the 19th Century
- Khan Academy videos: The Second Great Awakening - Part III, The Early Temperance Movement - Part I, The Early Temperance Movement - Part II
- US History.org online textbook passages: New Roles for White Women, The Emergence of "Women's Sphere", Women's Rights, Prison and Asylum Reform, The Peculiar Institution, Abolitionist Sentiment Grows, William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator, African-American Abolitionists, Free(?) African-Americans
#32 Early 19th Century American Arts & Culture |
#33 "Manifest Destiny" - The Mexican War and Oregon |
- SHEG Lesson: Juana Briones: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Manifest Destiny: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Texas Revolution: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- U.S. Expansion: map, chart, sample quiz
- Manifest Destiny DBQ
- UCI Lesson: Manifest Destiny (regular version) and Manifest Destiny (scaffolded version)
- Primary Source: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
- Primary Source (TAH): The Great Speech of Clay (cartoon, 1847)
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: War with Mexico
#34 The Antebellum Presidents: Harrison, Tyler, & Polk
- PowerPoint: The Antebellum Presidents: Harrison, Tyler, & Polk
- Guided Notes: The Antebellum Presidents: Harrison, Tyler, & Polk
- Crash Course US History: Slavery
- Crash Course US History: War & Expansion
- Khan Academy videos: Increasing Political Battles Over Slavery in the mid-1800s,
- US History.org online textbook passages: 54 40' or Fight, "American Blood on American Soil", The Mexican-American War, An Uneasy Peace, Southern Argument for Slavery, Slave Life and Slave Codes, Wilmot's Proviso, Popular Sovereignty, Three Senatorial Giants: Clay, Calhoun, and Webster
#35 The Antebellum Presidents: Taylor, Fillmore, & Pierce
- PowerPoint: The Antebellum Presidents: Taylor, Fillmore, & Pierce
- Guided Notes: The Antebellum Presidents: Taylor, Fillmore, & Pierce
- Crash Course US History: Slavery
- Crash Course US History: The Election of 1860 & the Road to Disunion
- Khan Academy Videos: Uncle Tom's Cabin - Part I, Uncle Tom's Cabin - Part II, Uncle Tom's Cabin - Part III, Increasing Political Battles Over Slavery in the mid-1800s,
- US History.org online textbook passages: Gold in California, The Underground Railroad, Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Compromise of 1850, "Bloody Kansas", The Kansas-Nebraska Act, Border Ruffians, The Sack of Lawrence, The Pottawatomie Creek Massacre, The Plantation & Chivalry, Canefight! Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner, Irish and German Immigration,
#36 The Antebellum Presidents: Buchanan & The Election of 1860

#37 The American Civil War: The Opposing Sides

#38 The American Civil War: Key Events
- PowerPoint: The American Civil War: Key Events
- Guided Notes: The American Civil War: Key Events
- Crash Course US History: Battles of the Civil War
- Crash Course US History: The Civil War, Part II
- Khan Academy videos: Strategy of the Civil War, Early Phases of the Civil War and Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg, The Gettysburg Address - Part I, The Gettysburg Address - Part II, Later Stages of the Civil War - Part I, Later Stages of the Civil War - Part II, Later Stages of the Civil War - Part III, Big Takeaways from the Civil War
- US History.org online textbook passages: First Blood and Its Aftermath, Bloody Antietam, Gettysburg: High Watermark of the Confederacy, Northern Plans to Win the War, The Road to Appomattox, The War Behind the Lines, The Emancipation Proclamation, Wartime Diplomacy, The Northern Homefront, The Southern Homefront, The Election of 1864, The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
#39 Reconstruction Under President Andrew Johnson

#40 Reconstruction Under President Grant & The Compromise of 1877

#41 "Manifest Destiny": Settling The West
#42 The Indian Wars
#43 The Technologies of Expansionism
#44 Late 19th Century Immigration |
#45 Gilded Age Politics: The Grant through Cleveland Administrations
#46 Urbanization |
#47 The Rise of "Big Business" |
#48 Early Labor Movements |
#49 The Populist Movement
#50 Early Progressivism
#51 The Spanish-American War and the Building of an American Empire

- SHEG Lesson: Annexation of Hawaii: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Lesson: Maine Explosion: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Powerpoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Philippine-American War Political Cartoons: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, Timeline, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Lesson: Soldiers in the Philippines: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, Timeline, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: The Spanish-American War: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Activity: American Imperialism: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Connections to the Philippine-American War: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Opposition to the Philippine-American War: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Explosion of the USS Maine: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Japan and America (19th Century): Assessment and Rubric
- Activity: American Expansionism: Chart and Map
- DBQ: The US & The Philippines
- UCI Lesson: Imperialism
- Primary Source: De Lome Letter (1898)
- Primary Source: Platt Amendment (1903)
- Primary Source: Check for Purchase of Alaska (1868)
- Primary Source: Joint Resolution to Provide for Annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the U.S. (1898)
- American Presidency Project resources: William McKinley
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: Progressive Foreign Policy: The Philippines
#52 Racism at the Dawn of the 20th Century
- SHEG Lesson: Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Edward Curtis: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Lesson: Carlisle Indian Industrial School: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Activity: The Case of the Clock: Assessment and Rubric
- Key Supreme Court cases: Civil Rights Cases (1883), Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
- More resources for Plessy v. Ferguson
- DBQ: Plessy v. Ferguson
- Activity: Three Visions for African Americans
- Primary Source: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
- Primary Source (TAH): Better Baby Contest, Indiana State Fair (photo, 1931)
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: The Progressive Era: Eugenics
#53 The Progressive Presidents: T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
- PowerPoint: The Progressive Presidents
- Guided Notes: The Progressive Presidents
- Crash Course US History: The Progressive Era
- Crash Course US History: Progressive Presidents
- Crash Course US History: Women's Suffrage
- US History.org online textbook passages: Progressivism Sweeps the Nation, Roots of the Movement, Muckrakers, Women's Suffrage at Last, Progressives in the White House, Teddy Roosevelt: The Rough Rider in the White House, The Trust Buster, A Helping Hand for Labor, Preserving the Wilderness, Passing the Torch, The Election of 1912, Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom
#54 Progressive Age "Diplomacy": T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
#55 The Rise of "Mass Culture" |
#56 Causes of World War I |
#57 WWI: The Great War |
#58 WWI: The Home Front |
- SHEG Lesson: Chicago Race Riots of 1919: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: The Great Migration: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Marcus Garvey: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Palmer Raids: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Sedition in WWI: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and Original Documents
- Key Supreme Court cases: Schenck v U.S. (1919), Gitlow v. New York (1925), Whitney v. California (1927)
- UCI Lesson: Red Scare & Civil Liberties
#59 The 1920s: Shifting Morals |
#60 The Jazz Age |
#61 From Boom to Bust: The The Harding and Coolidge Administrations
#62 The Great Depression: The Hoover Administration

#63: Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal"

- SHEG Lesson: New Deal: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Social Security: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Historian Interpretations, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: The Dust Bowl: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Migrant Mother Photograph: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Activity: Lange's Iconic Photograph: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Migrant Mother: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Migrant Mother's Significance: Assessment and Rubric
- Key Supreme Court cases: A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corporation v. U.S. (1935), DeJonge v. Oregon (1937), West Coast Hotel v. Parrish (1937)
- DBQ: The Dust Bowl
- UCI Lesson: Dust Bowl
- Primary Source: Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)
- Primary Source: National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
- Primary Source: National Labor Relations Act (1935)
- Primary Source: Social Security Act (1935)
- Primary Source: Franklin Roosevelt's Radio Address unveiling the second half of the New Deal (1936)
- Primary Source (TAH): Texas Tenant Farmer (Dorothea Lange photo, 1935)
- American Presidency Project resources: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: The New Deal: Social Security
#64: Rise of Totalitarianism |
#65: The Road to World War II: American Isolationism |
#66: World War II |
#67: WWII: The Home Front |
- SHEG Lesson: Zoot Suit Riots: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Japanese Internment: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Ansel Adams at Manzanar: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Activity: Forced Removal of Japanese-Americans: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Japanese Internment: Assessment and Rubric
- Key Supreme Court cases: Minersville School District v. Gobitis (1940), Betts v. Brady (1942), West Virginia State Board of Eductaion v. Barnette (1943), Endo v. U.S. (1944), Korematsu v. U.S. (1944)
- More resources for Korematsu v. U.S.
- Activity: WWII Complex Lotus Notes chart
- UCI Lesson: Japanese Internment
- Primary Source (TAH): Eleanor Roosevelt with "Chief" Charles Alfred Johnson and Tuskegee Airmen (photo, 1941)
- Primary Source: Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese (1942)
#68: Postwar Change |
#69: A Cold War Begins

#70: The Truman Administration & the Korean War |
#71: The Eisenhower Administration: Deepening Cold War

#72: The Eisenhower Administration: Domestic Issues & Early Civil Rights Movement |
- SHEG Lesson: Montgomery Bus Boycott: Writable Student Materials and Lesson Plan
- SHEG Lesson: Little Rock Nine: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Women in the 1950s: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Activity: Civil Rights Movement in Context: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Greensboro Sit-Ins: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Little Rock: Assessment and Rubric
- Key Supreme Court cases: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954), Watkins v. U.S. (1957), Yates v. U.S. (1957), Barenblatt v. U.S. (1959)
- More resources on Brown v. Board of Education
- Primary Source: Senate Resolution 301: Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1954)
- Primary Source: Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
- Primary Source: National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956)
- Primary Source: Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957)
- Primary Source: Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address (1961)
#73: The Kennedy Administration: The Cold War Gets Hot

#74: The Kennedy Administration: Domestic Issues |
#75: The Lyndon Johnson Administration: Domestic Issues

- SHEG Lesson (older, no writable PDF materials available): Civil Rights Act of 1964: Lesson Plan, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Civil Rights Movement Photos: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and Student Materials
- SHEG Lesson: NAACP Letters: Lesson Plan and Writable Student Materials
- SHEG Lesson: Public Housing: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Great Society: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, and Original Documents
- SHEG Activity: Nashville Riot: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Kathleen Cleaver Interview (Nashville Riot): Assessment, Rubric, and Transcript
- SHEG Activity: Olympics Protest: Assessment and Rubric
- Key Supreme Court cases: Escobedo v. Illinois (1964), Reynolds v. Simms (1964)Wesberry v. Sanders (1964), Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. (1964), Miranda v. Arizona (1966), Sheppard v. Maxwell (1966), Katz v U.S. (1967)
- More resources on Miranda v. Arizona
- Video Viewing Guide: Tom Brokaw's 1968
- DBQ: MLK or Malcolm X?
- DBQ: LBJ & The Civil Rights Act of 1964
- UCI Lesson: Immigration Act of 1965
- Primary Source: Civil Rights Act (1964)
- Primary Source: Social Security Act Amendments (1965)
- Primary Source: Voting Rights Act (1965)
- American Presidency Project resources: Lyndon B. Johnson
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: The Civil Rights Act of 1964
#76: The Lyndon Johnson Administration: Vietnam |
#77: The Nixon Administration: Vietnam and Detente

#78: The Nixon Administration: Domestic Issues and Watergate |
- SHEG Lesson: Anti-Vietnam War Movement: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, Graphic Organizer, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Equal Rights Amendment: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Lesson: Stonewall Riots: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, and PowerPoint
- SHEG Activity: Kent State: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Mexican-American Rights: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Native American Rights: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: Women's Rights: Assessment and Rubric
- SHEG Activity: United Farm Workers: Assessment and Rubric
- Key Supreme Court cases: Tinker v. Des Moines (1969), Gregory v. Chicago (1969), Reed v. Reed (1971), Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972), Roe v. Wade (1973), U.S. v. Nixon (1974)
- More resources on Tinker v. Des Moines
- More resources for Roe v. Wade
- More resources for U.S. v. Nixon
- DBQ: Cesar Chavez
- UCI Lesson: My Lai Massacre
- UCI Lesson: The Space Race
- UCI Lesson: Women's Equality
- Primary Source (TAH): ERA Defeated in Florida (cartoon, 1982)
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: The Equal Rights Amendment
#79: The 1970s: The Ford and Carter Administrations
#80: The 1980s: The Reagan Administration

#81: The George H.W. Bush Administration

- Key Supreme Court cases: Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives Association (1989), Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health (1990), California v. Acevedo (1991), International Union, United Auto Workers v. Johnson Controls, Inc. (1991), Payne v. Tennessee (1991), Arizona v. Fulminante (1991), Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992)
- Resources for Texas v. Johnson (1989)
- UCI Lesson: Americans with Disabilities Act
- American Presidency Project resources: George H.W. Bush
#82: The Clinton Administration

- SHEG Lesson: NAFTA: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- SHEG Lesson: Kyoto Protocol: Lesson Plan, Writable Student Materials, PowerPoint, and Original Documents
- Key Supreme Court cases: Shaw v. Reno (1993), National Organization for Women v. Scheidler (1994), Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton (1995), Agostini v. Felton (1997), Illinois v. Wardlow (2000)
- American Presidency Project resources: Bill Clinton
- TAH Socratic Seminar materials: Political Economy at the End of the 20th Century
#83: The George W. Bush Administration

#84: The Obama Administration

#85: The Trump Administration

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