
United States History

Page history last edited by William Phillips 4 years, 4 months ago
Basic Content
General Resources
#1 European Exploration



#2 New France, Virginia, and Maryland
#3 Settlement of New England
#4 Settlement of the Middle and Southern Colonies




#5 Life in the Southern Colonies



#6 Life In New England and the Middle Colonies



#7 First Conflicts Over Mercantilism




#8 American Diversity, The Enlightenment, & The First Great Awakening



#9 The French & Indian War
#10 Americans Become Defiant
#11 A Revolution Begins
#12 The Early Days of the American Revolution
#13 The Revolutionary War
#14 A New Nation Emerges
#15 The Articles of Confederation
#16 The Constitutional Convention
#17 Ratification of the Constitution
#18 The Bill of Rights

#19 Washington's Presidency- Domestic Issues

George Washington photo

#20 Washington's Presidency - Foreign Affairs


#21 John Adams's Presidency

John Adams photo

#22 Jefferson's Presidency - The Election of 1800

Thomas Jefferson photo

#23 Jefferson's Presidency - The Louisiana Purchase
#24 Jefferson's Presidency - Foreign Affairs

#25 Madison's Presidency & The War of 1812

James Madison photo

#26 Monroe's Presidency: The Era of Good Feelings

James Monroe photo

#27 The Election of 1824 & John Quincy Adams's Presidency

John Quincy Adams photo

#28 Jackson's Presidency - Rising Tensions

Andrew Jackson photo

#29 Antebellum Industrialization
#30 Early 19th Century American Religion: A Second Great Awakening
#31 Early 19th Century Social Reform Movements
#32 Early 19th Century American Arts & Culture  
#33 "Manifest Destiny" - The Mexican War and Oregon

#34 The Antebellum Presidents: Harrison, Tyler, & Polk

William Henry Harrison photoJohn Tyler photoJames K. Polk photo

#35 The Antebellum Presidents: Taylor, Fillmore, & Pierce

Zachary Taylor photoMillard Fillmore photoFranklin Pierce photo

#36 The Antebellum Presidents: Buchanan & The Election of 1860

James Buchanan photo

#37 The American Civil War: The Opposing Sides

Abraham Lincoln photo

#38 The American Civil War: Key Events

#39 Reconstruction Under President Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson photo

#40 Reconstruction Under President Grant & The Compromise of 1877

Ulysses S. Grant photo

#41 "Manifest Destiny": Settling The West
#42 The Indian Wars
#43 The Technologies of Expansionism


#44 Late 19th Century Immigration

#45 Gilded Age Politics: The Grant through Cleveland Administrations

Ulysses S. Grant photoRutherford B. Hayes photoJames A. Garfield photoChester A. Arthur photoGrover Cleveland photoBenjamin Harrison photo

#46 Urbanization
#47 The Rise of "Big Business"
#48 Early Labor Movements
#49 The Populist Movement
#50 Early Progressivism


#51 The Spanish-American War and the Building of an American Empire

William McKinley photo

#52 Racism at the Dawn of the 20th Century

#53 The Progressive Presidents: T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson

Theodore Roosevelt photoWilliam Howard Taft photoWoodrow Wilson photo

#54 Progressive Age "Diplomacy": T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
#55 The Rise of "Mass Culture"
#56 Causes of World War I
#57 WWI: The Great War
#58 WWI: The Home Front
#59 The 1920s: Shifting Morals
#60 The Jazz Age

#61 From Boom to Bust: The The Harding and Coolidge Administrations

Warren G. Harding photoCalvin Coolidge photo

#62 The Great Depression: The Hoover Administration

Herbert Hoover photo

#63: Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal"

Franklin D. Roosevelt photo

#64: Rise of Totalitarianism


#65: The Road to World War II: American Isolationism
#66: World War II
#67: WWII: The Home Front
#68: Postwar Change

#69: A Cold War Begins

Harry S. Truman photo

#70: The Truman Administration & the Korean War

#71: The Eisenhower Administration: Deepening Cold War

Dwight D. Eisenhower photo


#72: The Eisenhower Administration: Domestic Issues & Early Civil Rights Movement

#73: The Kennedy Administration: The Cold War Gets Hot

John F. Kennedy photo

#74: The Kennedy Administration: Domestic Issues

#75: The Lyndon Johnson Administration: Domestic Issues

Lyndon B. Johnson photo

#76: The Lyndon Johnson Administration: Vietnam

#77: The Nixon Administration: Vietnam and Detente

Richard Nixon photo

#78: The Nixon Administration: Domestic Issues and Watergate

#79: The 1970s: The Ford and Carter Administrations

Gerald R. Ford photoJimmy Carter photo

#80: The 1980s: The Reagan Administration

Ronald Reagan picture

#81: The George H.W. Bush Administration

George Bush photo

  • Key Supreme Court cases: Skinner v. Railway Labor Executives Association (1989), Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health (1990), California v. Acevedo (1991), International Union, United Auto Workers v. Johnson Controls, Inc. (1991), Payne v. Tennessee (1991), Arizona v. Fulminante (1991), Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992)
  • Resources for Texas v. Johnson (1989)
  • UCI Lesson: Americans with Disabilities Act
  • American Presidency Project resources: George H.W. Bush

#82: The Clinton Administration

William J. Clinton photo

#83: The George W. Bush Administration

George W. Bush photo

#84: The Obama Administration

Barack Obama photo

#85: The Trump Administration

Donald J. Trump photo



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